
Planning can be a complex topic and CPRE wants everyone to understand how the system works.

The national charity has a strong track record of influencing government opinion on best planning practice and has produced a number of major publications in such theme areas as brownfield sites and housing.

It also often helps its county branches with their local campaigns to protect the countryside from inappropriate development.


The charity regularly reviews submitted planning applications and makes representations to the planning authorities as appropriate. Recent initiatives include the new Rutland Local Plan, the Mallard Pass Solar project and various smaller housing site applications.

Following the inactive status of CPRE Lincolnshire at a local level, collaborative work by CPRE Rutland with the Mallard Pass Solar Farm Action Group, and with parishes opposed to a new giant Anaerobic Digester in South Lincolnshire, the charity is now proposing to extend its boundaries to align with the new political constituency of Stamford and Rutland to support members in that area of Lincolnshire.  

On occasions, CPRE submits deputations and/or objections to local smaller planning applications such as housing developments which are thought to be of a scale and character incompatible with protecting the local countryside.

Planning Consultations

Planning Objections