Mallard Pass Project Approved

Solar Panels

Secretary of State Ed Miliband has granted permission for Canadian Solar and Windel Energy to build Mallard Pass, as well as two other mega solar projects nationally.

Rutland and Stamford MP Alicia Kearns has written to constituents saying:

“This decision shows an utter contempt for human rights, makes a laughingstock of Labour’s so called ‘ethical’ governance, and demonstrates a complete disregard for food security. Over 6000 acres of agricultural land will be lost by the decision. Worst of all, it has ignored the clear and united opposition in our community; expressed in each stage of consultation, in the highest number and proportion of opposing representations during the examination and in the Parliamentary petition signed by 3,414 people. Community consent matters. There are 1309 documents in the planning application, yet Ed Miliband has granted permission within a week of taking on his new position. When you consider this applies to two other NSIP proposals I must question how deeply he has engaged with the detail of the proposals.”
On the harm of the proposal, the decision letter states: “the public benefits associated with the Proposed Development outweigh the harm identified.”

Alicia has indicated she will be seeking an Urgent Question when Parliament returns.

CPRE Rutland and Stamford and Alicia will also explore other avenues of resistance including Judicial Review in collaboration with the Mallard Pass Action Group.